6 Simple and Fun Ways to Celebrate Earth Day

As a company that uses the most powerful plant extracts nature has to offer in all our skincare products, taking care of the mother of all mothers (our planet) is a pretty big deal. Afterall, where would we be without her and some serious skincare science? That’s why celebrating Earth Day is something we do all year long. But in case you don’t, here are six simple and fun ways you can join the party on April 22nd. Who knows? Maybe these are changes you’ll commit to making all year long.

1. Leave the car in the garage

It’s such a simple thing, but seems so hard to do. It’s easy to justify using the car to drive the kids to school, run errands, or to get to work. But there are benefits to the alternatives that not only help the planet, but can make you happier. Leave a little extra time in the morning and walk or ride bikes with your kids to school. You’ll get a chance to spend some time outside with them enjoying your neighborhood...all while avoiding that aggravating school drop off routine. Their day and yours will start out for the better. Or change the way you commute and take the bus or train. It may take a little longer, but you’ll get more done. Use the time to read a book, make a to-do list, or just relax and listen to music. Can’t completely give up the car? Get together with other parents or co-workers and carpool.

2. Plant a garden

Use Earth Day as an opportunity to make a commitment to growing your own food. Not only will you reduce your carbon footprint, you will be healthier too. Eating food from your garden ensures a more diverse, vitamin-packed diet rich in foods that will nourish your body (and skin) from the inside out. It’s also a great time to go vegan if you’ve been considering it.

3. Celebrate nature

One of the best ways to honor Earth Day is to get outside. Take a hike, go for a bike ride, volunteer at a community garden, or plan a picnic. Reconnecting with nature is how we remember why our planet is worth saving in the first place. And if you have kids, make sure to get them involved too...activities like this are ways to make sure future generations put down those screens and develop their own passion for nature.

4. Unplug it

From turning off lights to unplugging appliances, you’ll not only save money on your electric bill, but you’ll make a big impact on the environment. The reality is if you save energy, you save the planet. When you consume less power, you reduce emissions released into the air...conserving the earth’s natural resources and ecosystems. This might even be the perfect time to consider going solar, or at least making the switch to solar power products such as those made to charge your phone or laptop.

5. Just say no to plastic

Convenient, yes. Good for the planet, no. Make a commitment on Earth Day to stop using plastic water bottles. While it seems like the world is recycling, the numbers tell a different story. In fact it’s estimated 18 million tons of plastic end up in the ocean each year. Instead, go out and purchase a reusable water bottle. Even better, look for one dedicated to a cause such as Yuhme. Made from sugarcane, their bottles have a negative CO2 footprint, and they provide clean water to those that need it.

6. Create a recycling plan

If you don’t have one already, put a recycling plan in place for you and your family. Take a look at what you can recycle in your area and engage your family in the process. Set up systems at home to easily start recycling. If you have a plan already, look for ways to expand on what you are doing. E-waste is estimated to be one of the fastest growing waste streams in the world. Earth Day is the perfect way to take inventory of your electronic devices and learn how to properly recycle them.