Match Your Skin Type with the Right Products in 4 Easy Steps

If you’ve been wondering why you aren’t seeing the results you’d like from your skincare products, it might be because you aren't taking into account all your skin’s needs. First and foremost, ask yourself if you know your “true skin type.” While most skincare lines are designed to address a single concern, Tuel’s approach is to offer skincare solutions that are formulated for specific skin types. The reality is, a killer glow comes from understanding the natural characteristics your skin displays and is not based on gender, ethnicity, color or condition. So how do you know what your true skin type is? Find out below in just four easy steps. Truth? It’s all in the pores.

Step 1

Take a look at the skin on your jawline. See how it’s smooth and relatively pore-free? This is your baseline for measuring the size of your pores.

Step 2

Compare that to the skin next to your nose. Do the pores look bigger or the same?

Step 3

Now examine other areas of the face. Are your pores bigger or smaller than what’s on your jawline? Don’t pay attention to your nose—this area always has larger pores, no matter the skin type.

Step 4:

Now determine your skin type based on the first three steps. Our guide offers helpful diagrams to help find your skin type, but here is an overview:

Dry Skin = Moisture Line: If you have smaller pores on most of your face, with larger pores near the sides of your nose, you should focus on nourishing and hydrating the skin.

Combo/Oily Skin = Balance Line: Are you seeing larger pores in the T-zone area of your face? Then bring your skin back to balance by refining pores.

Reactive Skin = Calm Line: If redness is a bigger issue than the size of your pores, you’ll need products that use targeted botanicals to relieve irritation, calm and soothe.

Acne Skin = Detox Line: Anything goes here…dry, combo, oily or reactive skin with chronic breakouts. The Detox products are focused on healing and clearing existing blemishes while preventing future breakouts.

Mature Skin = Rescue Line: Just like acne skin, mature skin can be a combination of issues. Show time is on your side with tightening and brightening skincare products designed just for beating the clock.