Freshen Up Your Skincare Routine Just in Time for Spring

It’s almost time to say goodbye to winter (no more dry, flaky skin), and say hello to warmer days and refreshed skin. And as the seasons change, so should your skincare routine. After spending months moisturizing and lathering up, your skin is about to experience a little shock as things begin to heat up. Making a few simple swaps now will make sure your skin gets through the seasonal transition looking amazing. So, if you are ready for some fun in the sun (with sunscreen of course), here’s how you make sure your spring skincare routine is too.


Lighten Things Up

Switching up your moisturizer is a great place to start. Go for something lighter with less oil that will work better in warmer months when our bodies aren’t being sucked dry of moisture by the cold weather. Look for products that feature all-natural ingredients and hyaluronic acid. You name it and hyaluronic acid handles it: hydrates, protects, tightens, smooths, reduces fine lines, wrinkles, and pigmentation, and stimulates cell growth.


Depuff and Reduce Inflammation

Is your face a puffy, blotchy, itchy, red and watery-eyed mess thanks to spring’s least favorite side effect...allergies? Well, you can definitely fightback from the dreaded “allergy face.” If you are suffering from red, itchy, puffy eyes look for an eye cream designed specifically to condition, soothe, and reduce inflammation in the eye area.

Brighten That Glow

Spring + Exfoliation = Glowing Skin. Exfoliating is a great way to slough off dead skin and cleanse those pores. Our advice? Avoid those harsh scrubs and try an overnight exfoliating treatment that uses glycolic acid combined with healing natural ingredients such as aloe and provitamin B5 to condition and soothe. Having your pores unclogged and free of any dead skin will also help your skincare products work more effectively.


Add Sunscreen

Hopefully, you understand the benefits and have been wearing sunscreen year-round, but if not, definitely start now. Remember the goal is to protect and also stop any skin damage from the sun before it starts. Work it into your routine every morning by applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher—after your moisturizer, but before applying makeup.