Why Antioxidants are the Super Stars of Skincare

When it comes to protecting your skin from environmental and age related damage, it’s all about the universally beloved methods: SPF and antioxidants. A skincare regimen that incorporates these two things is one of the most vital things you can do for your skin. While you’re probably familiar with how SPF works, if you’re unclear on the beneficial role antioxidants play in skincare, we’re here to help.

To understand why antioxidants are so beneficial for your skin, you have to know how they operate. Antioxidants are a group of naturally occurring compounds that protect your skin cells from damage. The sole purpose of these ingredients is to further shield the cells against free radicals and outside stressors, while simultaneously addressing your specific skin concerns. As we get older, our body is less able to fight off the causes of aging, sun damage and dullness which is why layering antioxidants each day is going to leave your skin in great shape. 

Today, we’re breaking down the best antioxidant serums for your skin and why they should be the superheroes of your routine.


In short, free radicals are unstable environmental molecules that gain stability when they react with other molecules or compounds. This creates a chain reaction that ultimately leaves our skin cells damaged. They can occur in our body, but also from uncontrollables such as pollution and UV rays. When our bodies feel overloaded with free radical molecules, it causes oxidative stress which makes it harder for the body to remove harmful stressors in its tracks. This leads to the causes of breakouts, wrinkles, dullness, dark spots as well as the development of cancerous cells. Unfortunately, free radicals are a product of the world around us. Luckily, adding more antioxidants in our routine can slow the damaging effects that they have on our body and skin. Remember, skincare is healthcare. 


When the weather’s right, we can all agree on fun in the sun; however UV rays can do more than a number on our skin when not protected. In addition to SPF,  vitamin C reduces hyperpigmentation by promoting cell turnover so your body can get rid of dirt and dead cells to reveal the fresh skin underneath. It can also prevent this issue from occurring by helping to protect your skin from the sun, and aforementioned free radicals. Think of vitamin C as your all-encompassing free radical scavenger. 


For our sensitive-skinned breakout peeps: more healing, less picking. Find a gentle, reparative serum for your skin type that covers your specific condition. Ingredients like tea tree oil and cajeput have been proven to possess antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, which are gentle enough to tackle flare-ups from the likes of acne, rosacea and eczema to name a few. 


To rectify dull complexions, look to serums for optimum moisturization. A hydrating serum can swiftly plump the skin and revive its appearance. The main star of this show is hyaluronic acid, which is perhaps best known for its ability to bond water to tissue and retain moisture in the skin, promoting a sustainable, youthful glow. 


If you regularly use a peptide-rich antioxidant serum, you’ll start to notice a marked improvement in the appearance of scarring on your face. Peptides are amino acids that work as building blocks of proteins needed by the skin to rebuild, like collagen and elastin. Both peptides and antioxidants work together as a powerhouse to improve blood flow to the scar tissue, thereby plumping it up. This helps in effectively smoothing out the scar to make  your skin appear smoother and less textured. Essentially, unclogged pores, softening of acne scarring and management of active breakouts are totally possible thanks to these ingredients.